Change the file name to the one you downloaded. 1. Download offline bundle from 2. Upload the bundle to a datastore accessible by the target ESXi host 3. Enable SSH on the ESXi host 4. Check what profiles are available in the offline bundle esxcli software sources profile list -d /vmfs/volumes/Local-Datastore-ESXI-02/ 5. Dry-run the upgrade to see which VIBs will be removed and installed esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-7.0.0-15843807-standard -d /vmfs/volumes/Local-Datastore-ESXI-02/ --dry-run 6. Place the host into maintenance mode - I would do this in vCenter to make sure the VM's migrate. esxcli system maintenanceMode set –enable true 7. Run the upgrade esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-7.0.0-15843807-standard -d /vmfs/volumes/Local-Datastore-ESXI-02/ 8 Reboot the host reboot